My brother used to watch porn quite a bit when we were growing up, then when I was in college, just about every guy I knew watched regularly. I never understood the novelty. I thought only creepy pervs watched porn and I certainly wasn’t that. After my first marriage fell apart, I decided it was time for me to give it a try.
I didn’t know what sites were out there and had no desire to waste hours surfing the net to find something suitable, so I started with Big Porn List. They do all the hard work of scouring the web to find the best quality porn available in just about every niche you could imagine. There’s a big list of MILF porn sites that has favorites like Anilos, Mom POV, Pure Mature, 40 Something Mag, 60 Plus MILFs, and Wife Bucket to name a few. Or maybe you prefer the best Latina porn sites. There’s certainly no shortage of those with Latina Abuse, Sex Mex, Leche69, Oye Loca, Me and My Latina, and my personal favorite Mike in Brazil.